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Did you know?
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in the United States today are caring for an aging adult in some way. In the next 10 to 20 years, it is projected that elder care will replace childcare as the number one issue for working adults.
is the 2016 National average cost of a private room in a nursing home. A semi-private room's average cost is $7,148 per month. That's an extra $85,776 - $97,452 per year just for Nursing Home costs.**
why people outlive their money: having to pay long-term care. Devastation ensues if a proper plan is not put in place. Legally protect your assets in case long-term care is needed.***

Wealth Protection Advisors
is an independent wealth management firm in Town and Country, Missouri.
In 1983, our founder and president Don Quante realized he had a knack for helping families in two particular areas: Retirement Income Planning and Long-Term Care Crisis/Asset Protection Planning.
So, that's what we do today. Have a look around.
And if there's anything we can help with, let us know.
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